

Therapeutic yoga class are custom designed to help support the needs of each specific client.
Discover your Dosha (constitution) and Develop an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Plan to support your overall wellness.
Before our meeting you will be sent client intake forms to complete. This will help build your personal health profile. We will calculate your original body constitution, become aware of your primary health concerns and things you would like to improve for optimal health. Your information will assist in crafting a personal Ayurvedic/ Therapeutic Yoga Program to help you heal yourself from the inside out.

The program will consist of 6 sessions, that will be a 1.5 hours long:
Discover your dosha (Body Constitution)
Look at your current state of heath- (mind, body, spirit)
Gather resources and tools for various health benefits
Find root cause and get rid of symptoms
Create a personal health profile custom plan into optimal health
Dinacharya- establish daily routine, restoring mind-body-spirit balance
Yoga poses that will help strength your body, make it more flexible and improve overall body awareness.
Fine tune posture alignments
Pranayama- breathing techniques. Develop breathing capacity, increase clarity, rejuvenate and center the mind.
Nutrition for your dosha, (personal body type)
Ayurveda, “The Science of Life”, is one of the worlds oldest holistic healing systems that originated in India more than 5,00 years ago. It is a comprehensive form of health practices that honors the mind, body and spirit. It encompasses diet, herbs, lifestyle and yoga.

Book your Private Group Sound Healing today!

For more information and booking

call Anna at 619-762-YOGA (9642) or email thrive@piertopointwellness.com

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