
Community Acupuncture

Community acupuncture provides acupuncture treatments in a group setting at a low cost. Our mission is to provide affordable holistic healing to all and help our community thrive!

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is an ancient medical practice that proves to be very effective in alleviating acute and chronic pain. It uses many microsystems to address the specific pattern for each patient. TCM holds an ancient wisdom that reveals the patient’s whole system in a way that makes the treatment very effective.

Group healing/meditation is very beneficial to the social connective tissue of a community. The intention of community acupuncture is to contact the strength of a community through individual healing within a safe environment of social inclusion. Recent studies have shown the benefit of acupuncture for depression among all demographics, including teenagers and the elderly. The community acupuncture model makes this accessible as a health care option which gives relief and hope.

We believe that clients can enjoy a sense of higher vibrational healing when in a group healing space with others. When those with a shared desire for wellness quietly come to a place of ease alongside one another, the result is a higher vibrational healing experience for all. We are happy to be able to provide a large room to encourage this form of silent and peaceful community, encouraging each client to fully relax while being treated for any number of health conditions which we specialize in treating.

Benefits of Acupuncture:


Join Dr. Elizabeth Swallow, Dr. Mckenzie O’Brien & Dr. Dylan Webber here at Pier to Point Wellness Center!

$40/session or sliding scale

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