


A 300-hr Yoga Teacher Training with Kellie Livingstone and Nam Chanterrwyn. This extraordinary training will focus on anatomy, biomechanics, and the nervous system with a secondary emphasis on yoga philosophy, social justice, and teaching accessible yoga.

OM Pilates Mat & Fascia Release Practitioner Training L1

Therapuetic Myofascial Release Training

O.P.A.K.A Programming
Optimal Performance, Alignment, & Kinesthetic Awareness

  • 8 Week Course for a total of 120 hours
  • Instruction & Movement Lab 36 hours
  • Self Practice 30 hours
  • Observation 24 hours
  • Co-Teaching 20 hours
  • Solo Teaching 10 hours

3 hours of hands on training with Jennifer Opaka. Learn to assist your clients, yourself, or both to release muscle tightness, tension and pain. Using the R & R balls designed specifically for the human body. You will learn a tailored sequence of rolling movement, the science of fascia, how to teach this technique in a classroom setting and with private clients

Roll & Release helps you to release your fascia the connective tissue that has an intimate relationship with every cell and system in your body. Your fascia integrates with your muscle, blood, nerves, organs, and yes bone. It is the only tissue that has this unique relationship and the only way to heal the fascia is manual manipulation/massage. Roll & Release allows you to heal your own body on a deep level.

Training Includes

Opaka Method Practitioner Instructional Manual Your very own set of Total Body Massage Balls Opaka Method Self Practice Journal

The Fascial Release training is led by Jennifer Opaka owner of Opaka Method Studio and creator of R & R Self Massage Body Training System. Jennifer brings 32 years of teaching and training experience to assist you to become a practitioner who will lead a safe and effective Rolling class.

A template is provided for a multi level Pilates Mat & Fascial Release Class that is safe, efficient, effective and fun to teach. Infused throughout each movement are auditory, visual, and hands on techniques. You will learn to teach with emphasis on neutral alignment, breath work, and core control.

Self massage movement to restore and re align your body will be included in this course. With the R & R balls that Jennifer designed specifically for the human body you can assist your clients to realize their full potential to heal and build strength simultaneously. With this knowledge you will have the tools to work with a diverse client base. Increasing your business potential. 

A template is provided for a multi level Fascial Release Class that is safe, efficient, effective and fun to teach. Infused throughout each movement are auditory, visual, and hands on techniques. You will learn to teach with emphasis on neutral alignment, breath work, and core control.

The fascial release you will learn to teach goes beyond the traditional fitness class. Bridging the gap between fitness and therapeutic movement we will cover:
  • Alignment & Technique for Core Training
  • Anatomy of Core Muscles (deep & superficial)
  • Core Power Breathing
  • Fascial Release Breathing
  • Anatomy & Flow of an effective class
  • Teaching a multi level class

200 Hour Teacher Training

An extraordinary deep dive into the fundamentals of teaching yoga.

100-Hr Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training

Pregnancy is a unique and meaningful period in a person’s life where they experience a range of changes and emotions in a relatively short period of time. Yoga is often recommended for pregnancy because it can help with relaxation as well as aches and pains. Yoga class is also a space where a student finds support and community during this new phase in life. The mindfulness encouraged in yoga allows pregnant students to tune-in to their bodies and embrace the changes they experience throughout pregnancy and motherhood.

40 Hour Aerial Yoga Teacher Training

This small, intimate, one-of-a-kind training is taught on our beautiful outdoor deck by some of San Diego’s best aerial yoga instructors.

Fascial Release Exercises

  • Lumbar Spine/Low Back
  • Thoracic Spine/Mid Back
  • Upper Erector Spinae/Entire Spine
  • Latissimus Dorsi/Back
  • Seratus/Upper Spine & Shoulder, Lower Spine & Ribs
  • Cervical Spine/Neck
  • Pectoralis Major & Minor/Chest

You will receive 36 hours of time in Instruction & Movement Labs with a master OM trainer to help you fully understand each move so you can teach at your highest potential. Through Observation of our regularly scheduled classes you will be able to see the material you are learning applied in a class setting with students of all levels from athletic students to rehabilitative students. This will help prepare you to deliver a positive class experience to any students who walks into your class.
A Self Practice is essential to integrate the work into your own body. OM’s Self Practice Journal will guide you, helping you to understand the principles of alignment, rolling, and how you use your own exploration to become a stronger practitioner.

One of our main goals is to support you in taking the moves you are learning and teach them confidently in a class setting. Through Co Teaching you can choose a move or a sequence of movements from the Pilates Mat & Fascial Release template and teach them in a class with an OM Instructor present to support and if needed guide you. Our clients at Opaka Method are well aware that we are a learning studio and provide positive support and feedback to all our trainee’s.

The final step is when you are ready to Solo Teach an entire class. We recommend teaching 2-3 classes per week during your Solo Teaching hours. You can choose the classes from our regularly scheduled classes at either the Ocean Beach or Point Loma location. During your Solo Teaching we will have the regularly scheduled instructor present to assist you if needed at any time during your class. 

The training will be held on October 22nd from 9am to 1pm

Instruction & Movement Labs will be held on the following dates  
  • June 10, 11, 24, 25, and July 9, from 10:00AM-4:00PM
  • June 16 and June 30, from 10:00AM-1:00PM
Observation & Co Teaching available June 1, through July 31st 

The following times are available during regularly scheduled classes:

Opaka Method Ocean Beach Studio 

  • Monday’s & Wednesday’s 9:00AM
  • Tuesday’s & Thursday’s 9:00AM
Pier to Point Studio Point Loma Studio
  • Tuesday’s & Thursday’s 12:00PM
  • Sunday 9:00AM
Cost $450 
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